How Chiropractic Benefits Cyclists
Cycling is a great cardiovascular workout, building strength, stamina, and balance. However, it can be tough on the body, especially if you put in a lot of miles. This is true of any activity that is repetitive, though. Certain muscles can become more tense and others that aren’t used become weaker. This can cause your spine to become misaligned. Bending over the handlebars can also cause back pain as well as wrist, neck and shoulder pain and affect your posture if you remain in that position for long stretches or are not using proper form. Chiropractic for cyclists can help combat these effects and keep your body in alignment.
Hip and Knee Pain
Cycling puts a lot of strain on your lower body, particularly the hips and legs. The more developed these muscles get, the tighter they can become if you aren’t stretching before and after your ride (and getting regular chiropractic care).
Inflammation and stiffness of the sacroiliac joint is very common with cyclists. It can cause a significant decrease in range of motion and flexibility, not to mention cause pain. This issue can really affect your ride. The stress that occurs in this area can affect nearby large joints, such as the knees. Chiropractic can release those joints and address any issues associated with it.
Lower Back Out of Alignment
Spending a lot of time hunched over your handlebars can cause your back muscles to become stretched out. When you combine that with hunching over a desk or computer all day, it can leave you with a misaligned spine.
The tight muscles of the lower body, including hip flexors and hamstrings, work against the stretched out back muscles to weaken the spinal support. Once your spine is misaligned, it can lead to back pain, hip pain, and make it difficult for you to ride effectively or comfortably.
Getting good, regular chiropractic adjustments, along with some core strength exercises, stretching, and exercises to increase range of motion, you can get your spine aligned – and keep it that way. It is also worth mentioning that proper bike fit is absolutely integral to keeping your spine and body healthy and aligned.
Numb, Tingling Hands
Numb, tingling hands are very common among cyclists. There are several reasons that this can occur, but the most common culprits are stress on the upper back from riding in a hunched position, or wrist issues that come from the stress of supporting your upper body as you are hunched over, and from holding the handlebars.
Proper bike fit can go a long way in preventing this, as does maintaining proper form and technique while riding. This will help you avoid compression, undue stress, and overreaching so that your arms are in a more natural, comfortable position. Your chiropractor can help alleviate the pain and correct the condition with spinal manipulation and other techniques applied to the joints.
Chiropractic is exceptional for cyclists because it not only addresses structural issues in the body, it also provides whole body care. Your chiropractor may recommend certain exercises and stretches, supplements, and lifestyle changes to help improve your ride and help you live a healthier life. You will combat the strain that the sport puts on your body and learn powerful techniques for avoiding injury.
If you are a regular cyclist, whether you ride competitively, ride with a group, or bike to work, you will find that your body will respond very well to chiropractic treatments. When performed regularly, you will find that your body will get stronger and your posture will be better. You will feel better too.