Why Chiropractic Is So Effective For Low Back Pain
If you suffer from low back pain, you are probably looking for a comprehensive, holistic way to overcome it. Unfortunately, there are a lot of people who need to take prescription medications for their back pain. Even though there may be some situations where medication is helpful, it can also lead to unwanted side effects. Opioid and narcotic medication can also be addictive. Fortunately, chiropractic care can be an effective treatment option for low back pain. What are some of the most common causes of low back pain, and why is visiting a chiropractor such an effective treatment option? Continue reading to learn more…
Common Causes of Low Back Pain
Low back pain comes in many shapes and forms, with some people suffering from acute low back pain while other people suffer from chronic low back pain. Some of the most common causes of low back pain include:
- A herniated disc, which can lead to shooting pains that move from the back down the legs.
- Paraspinal muscle tenderness, which can lead to aches and pains on the side of the spinal column.
- Osteoarthritis, one of the most common inflammatory conditions that can make it hard for someone to move.
If you are suffering from low back pain, you should rely on a chiropractor to help you.
Chiropractic Care Allows the Back To Heal Naturally
One of the first reasons why chiropractic care is effective for low back pain is that it allows your back to heal naturally. A lot of conventional medical practices only treat the symptoms on the surface. Even though you want your symptoms to go away, you need your back to fully recover. Chiropractic care can place your back in a position to recover safely. That way, not only do your symptoms improve, but you can also regain flexibility, mobility, and range of motion. If you want your back to recover naturally, chiropractors can help you.
Chiropractic Care Can Help People Remove Dependence on Prescription Medications
Chiropractic care is also effective for low back pain because this can help remove your dependence on opioids and narcotic medication. These medications can be effective at treating pain, but they are not meant to be used for multiple days, weeks, and months in a row because they can be incredibly addictive. Furthermore, they can lead to a lot of unwanted complications and side effects. The more you take these medications, the worse your dependence will become. A chiropractor can help you explore other treatment methods that may help you break your dependence on prescription medications.
Chiropractic Care Is Comprehensive
Finally, chiropractic care is also effective because it is sustainable, comprehensive, and holistic. It is true that a chiropractic adjustment can properly align the vertebrae in your back, alleviating pressure on your nerves, muscles, ligaments, and tendons. On the other hand, a chiropractor may also have experience with massage therapy, acupuncture, corrective exercises, physical therapy, and more. Therefore, he or she can work with you personally, developing a treatment plan that has been customized to meet your specific needs. You deserve to have a treatment plan tailored to your specific low back pain. A chiropractor can help you do that.
Rely on a Chiropractor for Low Back Pain
Clearly, if you are suffering from low back pain, you should consider visiting a chiropractor. A chiropractor has received specialized training that he or she can use to help you recover from low back pain while also minimizing complications and side effects. Make an appointment with the chiropractor today to learn more about how your back pain should be treated holistically and naturally.
If you, a loved one, or friend is dealing with low back pain and don’t have a local chiropractor, please give us a call. Our Doctor of Chiropractic specializes in finding and treating the root cause of low back pain, not just its symptoms. You don’t deserve to live life in pain! So give us a call. We’re here to help!