How Chiropractic Keeps Spinal Joints Healthy

Healthy joints have obvious benefits, including aiding in movement, keeping you flexible and allowing you to stay active. The health of some of your joints is readily apparent—you only have to bend your knees, ankles, elbows or wrists to see how they are functioning at

How Chiropractic Can Improve Your Sleep

Most people know that a chiropractor can help with musculoskeletal problems, such as backaches and slipped discs, but many people do not realize that chiropractic can do much more. In fact, chiropractic can even improve your sleep. Getting enough quality sleep each night is good for

What Chiropractic Patients Want to Know About TMJ Disorders

Asking questions is the best way to learn, of course, and chiropractic patients often ask questions about some of the health issues they face. Some chiropractic patients are curious about back problems, for example, because chiropractors are well known for being extremely knowledgeable when it

Why Runners Need a Chiropractor

If you are an active amateur or a competitive runner, using the services of a chiropractor can make a vast change in your overall health, reduce your pain from injuries and improve your alignment for a more effective run. Chiropractors offer excellent rehabilitation care, and

What Is Myofascial Pain Syndrome & How Can Chiropractic Help?

Chiropractic care focuses not only on the skeletal system and joints but also on the treatment of muscle pain. The muscles are interwoven with fascia, a type of tissue that allows muscles to glide smoothly over one another. Both muscles and fascia can develop painful

Three Benefits of Getting Chiropractic Adjustments on a Regular Basis

Many people think that seeking out chiropractic care is something to do if they are specifically experiencing back or neck pain, as these are the most common reasons why people make an initial appointment with a chiropractor. But chiropractic does much more than treat neck

How Chiropractic Helps Alleviate Golfer’s Elbow

Golfer’s elbow is a condition that affects far more than those who hit the golf course regularly. According to Dynamic Chiropractic, golfer’s elbow can affect violinists, construction workers, tennis players, bikers and more. Essentially, anyone who is prone to overusing the elbow can find themselves

What Chiropractic Patients Want To Know About Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a condition that can cause considerable discomfort—something you are probably well aware of if you have been diagnosed with this autoimmune disease. When your immune system starts attacking your joints instead of foreign invaders inflammation results, and inflammation in your joints