How Chiropractic Can Help Increase Flexibility

In childhood, flexibility can almost seem like a parlor trick. The other kids notice which kids can do the splits or put their foot behind their head. But as people grow into adulthood, maintaining normal flexibility gets to be much more challenging and losing flexibility

The Three Degrees of An Ankle Sprain & How Chiropractic Can Help

An ankle sprain is always inconvenient, and often painful. But not all ankle sprains are equal in their severity. When diagnosing an ankle sprain, your doctor or chiropractor will classify the injury in one of three ways—first degree, second degree and third degree. Knowing what

How Carpal Tunnel Sufferers Can Benefit from Chiropractic

Carpal tunnel syndrome, or CTS, is a condition where the median nerve that runs from the forearm into the hand becomes compressed. Carpal tunnel can cause significant pain and result in numbness that makes it difficult to use your hand properly. Carpal tunnel affects approximately 3% of

How Allergy Sufferers Can Benefit from Chiropractic

With approximately 40 percent of people worldwide struggling with allergies, the demand for effective allergy treatments has never been higher. Unfortunately, there is still no magic bullet when it comes to treating allergies. While there are plenty of options out there, few are as effective

How Senior Citizens Can Benefit From Chiropractic

As you move into your senior years, you expect a certain amount of discomfort and loss of mobility. Aging is always hard on the body. But it is important to understand that there are things you can do to feel better—much better than if you

What College Students Want To Know About Chiropractic Care

College is often one of the most exciting times in a person’s life—but with all that excitement comes a surprising amount of physical stress. Sitting all day in classes, hunching over textbooks and laptops, even relaxing by watching videos on your phone or texting friends,

How Chiropractic Can Help Fix A Winged Scapula

A winged scapula can be a painful and even debilitating condition if left untreated. As the name suggests, the condition is often easily spotted by the protrusion of the scapula from the back. A winged scapula can be treated, fortunately. Chiropractic care and associated therapies

What Every Chiropractic Patient Ought To Know About Losing Weight

A large portion of the patients that seek out chiropractic care are suffering from some form of back pain. While chiropractic adjustments and associated therapies can do a lot to ease back pain symptoms and aid in healing, lifestyle changes are also quite important –

How Prolonged Sitting Destroys Your Health and How To Fix It

A recent study conducted by an associate research scientist at Columbia has found that prolonged sitting destroys your health. Sitting for long periods is associated with early death – upsetting news for the millions of Americans who spend extensive time sitting as they work and