What Are Dermatomes and Myotomes?

What Are Dermatomes and Myotomes? The spinal cord and brain make up the central nervous system while the spinal nerves (branching to the spinal cord) and cranial nerves (branching to the brain) make up the peripheral nervous system. There are 31 sets of nerves that extend

Three Ways Cruciferous Vegetables Prevent Cancer

Vegetables are part of a healthy diet; they contain many vitamins and minerals. Many are rich in fiber as well. However, research has given us even more reasons to pile those veggies on our plates. Several studies show that certain types of vegetables, specifically those

How Sugar Is Detrimental To Your Health

Most people now acknowledge just how bad sugar is. The problem is, many are not willing to give it up. The evidence is clear though, over the last three decades chronic disease like diabetes, cancer, and heart disease have grown exponentially in occurrences that correlate

Why This Seven-Minute Workout Is So Beneficial

Doctors are always telling us to exercise, exercise, exercise but they don’t really give us many realistic options. Going to the gym is a pain, especially if you are short on time. Exercising at home can be a real pain too. You might be limited

What Chiropractic Patients Want To Know About Ketogenic Diets

There has been a lot of talk about a ketogenic diet, also known as a low carb diet. While science has proven again and again the numerous health benefits, there are still those that seek to disclaim it. This guide will explain the ketogenic diet,

Why A Pinched Nerve Responds So Well To Chiropractic

A pinched nerve is a common complaint that can cause a wide variety of symptoms from pain to numbness. In many cases, the condition can be resolved quickly through chiropractic care; sometimes with just one session. However, chiropractic should be treated as an ongoing practice

Why Truck Drivers Need Chiropractic

Truck driving puts a lot of stress on the body. Just spending hours behind the wheel can take its toll no matter what type of vehicle you are driving. When you factor in the shifting, steering, clutching, and constant monitoring that is required in a

How School Teachers Can Benefit From Chiropractic

Teachers go through a lot in a day. They spend hours on their feet. They bend, stoop, and lift, hunching over students’ desks helping them and carrying heavy books. They sit at a desk, grading papers. It’s no wonder so many of our educators complain

What Chiropractic Patients Want To Know About Herniated Discs

The spine is a very intricate structure and when one component fails to function properly it can affect the entire body, causing pain and loss of mobility. Tiny bones, called vertebrae, are stacked on each other to form the spine. They are joined in such

Three Tips Chiropractic Patients Can Use To Increase Flexibility

Flexibility is something that many people would like more of, but few know how to achieve it. If they do, they don’t do anything about it. This is because flexibility training is often seen as difficult, painful, and time consuming. It is also significantly underestimated.