How Low Speed Rear-end Accidents Can Cause Whiplash

You are sitting in your car, stopped at a traffic light. Suddenly, a vehicle rear ends your car. The impact isn’t hard although it is unexpected. You take a look at your car and see that there is minor damage, or no damage at all,

How Chiropractic Helps Trigger Finger

Stenosing tenosynovitis, also known as “trigger finger,” is a repetitive strain injury that is one of the most common injuries in the workplace. It is marked by one finger or thumb that is stuck in a bent position and pops or snaps when straightened. It

Posterior Tibial Tendon Dysfunction: Can Chiropractic Help?

Posterior tibial tendon dysfunction is a very common ankle and foot problem that occurs when there is a tear or inflammation in the posterior tibial tendon – the tendon that is at the back of the ankle and is the key player in stabilizing the

How Chiropractic Helps Relieve Stress

Everyone experiences stress at some point in their life. In fact, it is becoming a sort of new normal in today’s hectic, fast paced, high pressure society. However, a large percentage of the United States population is feeling a significant impact from the stress in their

Four Health Benefits of Working Upright

Sitting at a desk for extended periods of time is not healthy and can lead to a host of health problems. As more and more studies show the detriments of prolonged sitting, some companies are taking action to protect their employees’ health by installing upright

How Chiropractic Helps Children That Suffer From Knock Knee

Knock knee is a condition that many children acquire when they are toddlers. Often, within a few years they grow out of it and their legs straighten naturally with no lasting effects. Occasionally, though, a child’s legs don’t straighten and this is a cause for concern.

How Smartphones Are Killing Our Spines & What To Do About It

It's no secret that almost everyone has a smartphone. In fact, a series of surveys by The Pew Institute in 2015 showed that 64% of American adults now own a smartphone of some kind. They keep us connected, offer us flexibility, and provide us with

Costochondritis: Can Chiropractic Help?

Costochondritis, also called Tietze syndrome, is often misdiagnosed due to the varied symptoms. It involves the ribs and, depending on the area affected, the pain, discomfort, and other symptoms can mislead doctors to underdiagnose or misdiagnose. Patients may experience pain in the side, back, and chest