What Chiropractic Patients Want To Know About High-Intensity Interval Training

Chiropractic is more than just spinal adjustments. It is a whole-body therapy that may include health supplements, dietary adjustments, and lifestyle changes that include exercise. By getting the patient to take certain steps, chiropractors make them a vital participant in their own healing. Exercise is outstanding

What Is Cervical Spondylosis & Can Chiropractic Help?

As we age there are certain changes that take place in the body. The spine gets a lot of wear and tear because it is the primary supportive structure that does everything from keeping the head upright, to providing a pathway for neural impulses, to

How Chiropractic Can Help Patellofemoral Tracking Syndrome

When the weather warms, melting the snow and ice as it ushers in the newness of spring, people are drawn outdoors and increased activity soon follows. Runners top the list, training for upcoming marathons and races, or to just get faster and increase endurance. While there

Why Gait Analysis Is Important With Chiropractic Care

The way a person walks, their gait, can be very telling. It can reveal problems in the feet, ankles, knees, and hips – even in spinal alignment. A problem with gait can indicate pain in a patient as well as serious conditions like diabetes and

How Chiropractic Can Be Used As Supportive Care For Cancer

Cancer puts a tremendous amount of stress on the body. Cancer treatments add to that stress, affecting the organs as well as the musculoskeletal system. Pain is a common complaint among cancer patients. They experience a variety of aches and pains including headaches, neck pain,

Why More People Are Seeking Chiropractic Care Than Ever Before

More and more people are choosing chiropractic care for their pack pain and other issues. In fact, they are leaving their traditional medical practices with their pills and surgeries, and opting for the all-natural, non-invasive practice of chiropractic. So why this seemingly sudden exodus over

What Is Cervicalgia and Can Chiropractic Help?

Have you ever had a pain in the neck? And your kids or significant other don’t count. If you’ve ever had a stiff, sore neck then you’ve more than likely experienced cervicalgia. You’re not alone. The American Osteopathic Association estimates that more than 25% of

How Chiropractic Can Help With Childhood Ear Infections

More than 80% of children will experience at least one ear infection before they turn three-years-old. Ear infection is one of the top reasons that parents seek medical treatment for their children, causing fever, irritability, and ear pain. Also known as otitis media, an ear

Acute Injury Management: What Does the Acronym PRICE Stand For?

When dealing with a sports injury or similar type of injury, many people are familiar with the R.I.C.E. protocol for injury care. R.I.C.E. stands for Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation and has long been used when treating everything from sprained ankles to banged up knees.