What’s the Difference Between Osteopenia and Osteoporosis?

Osteopenia and osteoporosis are two very similar conditions, but one is more severe than the other. Both conditions are decreased bone density, but osteopenia is to a lesser degree than osteoporosis. Osteopenia is still a problem though because it can increase a person’s chances of

Why Chiropractic Works Well Against Joint Pain

As seasons change, you may notice some pain in your joints. Fortunately, chiropractic care can help. When most people hear “chiropractic care” they usually think of spinal problems and back pain. While this is true, chiropractic can treat conditions other than pain in the joints

How Musicians Can Benefit From Chiropractic

Musicians put their bodies through a lot. They practice for hours a day and, depending on the instrument played, engage certain parts of their bodies in repetitive type motions for long periods of time. For instance, a pianist will sit or stand at a piano or

What Chiropractic Patients Want To Know About Bell’s Palsy

People with Bell’s Palsy usually have limited treatment options. Because the condition affects each person differently, there is no one-size-fits-all treatment. The steroid prednisone is often prescribed to treat patients, but there are many harmful side effects. Massage and physical therapy may also be used,

How Safe Is Bottled Water?

Drink more water. Stay hydrated. Water is good for you. These are the messages that we hear over and over as we pursue a healthy lifestyle, strive to lose weight, or overcome many chronic conditions. It seems that water is a vital part of life

Can Chiropractic Be Used On My Pets?

You hear a lot about people going to the chiropractor to relieve their pain and other conditions, but did you know that your pet can get those benefits as well? Chiropractic for pets has been steadily gaining in popularity and now some pet insurance policies

Three Tips for Balancing Hormones Naturally

Many people have hormonal imbalances and don’t even realize it. Even with medical tests for abnormal thyroid function, it doesn’t always pick up on a thyroid that isn’t functioning as it should. The same goes for the adrenals. When they get overtaxed, the hormonal imbalance

What Age Should You Begin Chiropractic?

In the last few decades chiropractic care has enjoyed a tremendous boost in popularity among adults. They use it to help manage their pain, relieve chronic conditions, prevent injury, and improve range of motion, flexibility, and overall wellness. But at what age should you begin

Sprain vs Strain: What’s the Difference?

You are out hiking and twist your ankle. It hurts, but you make it back to your car without much problem. You notice you have some swelling and it is sore, so you head home for some good, old fashioned R.I.C.E. (rest, ice, compression, elevation).